It's Easter Sunday and International Transgender Day of Visibility
The pro-Putin and pro-Trump supporters are losing their minds!
Today is Easter Sunday and the International Transgender Day of Visibility. The Pro-Putin and pro-Trump extremists in the Republican Party have lost their minds by proclaiming “HOW DARE THESE TRANSGENDER DEGENERATES SCHEDULE THEIR HOLIDAY ON EASTER SUNDAY?!?” This is pretty quick and easy to deconstruct compared to other types of Kremlin propaganda.
International Transgender Day of Visibility was created by transgender activist Rachel Crandall in 2009. It was first held on March 31, 2009 and it has been celebrated on March 31 every year since then. It has a fixed date and March 31 is that date.
Easter Sunday is a floating holiday. Unlike International Transgender Day of Visibility, it has no set date on which it is celebrated each year. Some years it is celebrated in March (like this year). Other years it might be celebrated in April. I still remember a few years ago when Easter Sunday was held on the same day as April Fools Day (April 1). The date of Easter Sunday each year is based on a lunisolar calendar (solar year plus Moon phase) that's similar to the Hebrew calendar.
This year Easter Sunday just happens to share the same day as International Transgender Day of Visibility. But it won't be always like that. Next year it will be on April 20, which also happens to be Adolf Hitler’s birthday and the 420 marijuana day. (I'm going to leave that one alone for the time being. Everyone who reads this should be forewarned for next year.)
Anyway President Joe Biden released a proclamation statement for International Transgender Day of Visibility, which he previously did in 2021, 2022, and 2023.
This year’s proclamation really angered the Trumpists/Putinists because they are somehow convinced that President Biden is ditching or banning Easter and replacing it with a transgender holiday. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's response is just an example of how unhinged these people are
Then there's evangelical preacher Franklin Graham, who's twisting some Bible quotes out of context to make his twisted point.
Former president-turned-gold sneakers and Bible salesman Donald Trump issued his own statement calling what Joe Biden did as “blasphemous.”
This is the same guy who is selling Bibles despite never once attempting to atone for the fact that he has violated nine of the Ten Commandments.
The most pathetic response has come from Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender woman who is disgusted with Joe Biden's proclamation regarding International Transgender Day of Visibility because it's on the same day as Easter Sunday.
Caitlyn Jenner didn't always have an issue with International Transgender Day of Visibility. Here is her tweet from 2017 where she wrote “#TransDayOfVisibility There's no better visibility than with sisters by my side.”
Here is why I think that Caitlyn Jenner is so pathetic. As an Olympic gold medalist, Wheaties cereal box cover model, reality TV show star, parent of Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and as a one-time stepparent to Kim Kardashian, Caitlyn Jenner was in a unique position to use her fame and celebrity to serve as a positive role model for transgender people and be an advocate for transgender rights. But then she decided to support the Republican Party, the same party that’s responsible for the notorious bathroom bills aimed directly at transgender people.
Since then there is a cycle where she supports a Republican politician, that Republican politician says or does something that's transphobic, then Jenner gets upset and starts complaining on social media “I supported [insert name of Republican politician here] and he's enacting new laws against transgender people!” Yet she continues to support a political party that is openly hostile to transgender people like her.
Donald Trump is a great example of this. In 2016 Caitlyn Jenner actively supported Donald Trump’s election as president only to have Trump enact a ban on transgender people from serving in the military. While Caitlyn Jenner later expressed her regret for her support of Trump in 2016, for the 2024 election she decided to endorse, once again…wait for it!…Donald Trump! If Donald Trump gets reelected, wait for Jenner to feel outraged and betrayed once again over some transphobic policy that Trump has decided to enact and enforce.
This is why so many of my friends who are involved with the transgender community have long since written Caitlyn Jenner off as a viable voice for transgender rights. Caitlyn Jenner is like an African American supporter of the Ku Klux Klan or a 1930s-era German Jew who is a staunch supporter of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party. Caitlyn Jenner is beyond parody at this point.
This person noticed something and posted about it on Twitter/X: “Did anyone else notice that all the big right-wing accounts were ALL tweeting about Biden/TransDay/Easter within the same hour time-frame? Shows they are coordinating.”
I'm not surprised. For years the far-right figures would schedule their social media posts regarding the issue du jour around the same time. Having tons of posts on the same subject written by different people at the same time ensures that people will get exposed to their message. It's one that the Kremlin troll farms have utilized this as well.
I would not be surprised if there are some Kremlin trolls among the naysayers promoting outrage about the fact that Easter Sunday and the International Transgender Day of Visibility is on the same day this year. After all, Russia has recently added the LGBTQ community to its list of extremist and terrorist organizations.
If these people really hate LGBTQ people so much, they should seriously consider moving to Russia. Just make sure to do your research on what to expect when moving and learn Russian BEFORE you make your move. There was a family of 10 who moved from Canada to Russia to get away from those pesky LGBTQ folks without doing much advance research or learning Russian and it turned into a total disaster for them.
The big irony is that today isn't just Easter Sunday and the International Transgender Day of Visibility. There are some other special days that also have their observances on March 31.
So I’ll just end this by wishing everyone a Happy Easter, Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility, Happy National Crayon Day, Happy Hug a Medievalist Day, Happy Cesar Chavez Day, Happy Dance Marathon Day, Happy Eiffel Tower Day, Happy National Baked Ham With Pineapple Day, Happy National Farm Workers Day, and National Tater Day to all who celebrate one or more of these special days.
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