Donald Trump's most loyal supporters are still shocked that their beloved leader has become a convicted felon after being found guilty on New York state charges. They think that it's the result of Joe Biden persecuting him, even though President Biden has no say in state matters. They just refuse to believe the slight possibility that Trump is really a criminal who had been found guilty in a court of law by a jury of his peers.
How bad is it? A man named Michael Anderson posted on Facebook a day before the verdict was reached in Trump's trial claiming that his cousin is on the jury in Trump's trial and she told him that they were going to convict him the next day.
His cousin supposedly told him this despite the fact that it’s against the law for a juror to discuss a case before it ends. Michael Anderson added that he and his cousin are married now.
That claim of a cousin marriage should've been a clue that this guy might not be telling the truth. But Trump's supporters began to share that post on Facebook and take screenshots to share on other social media platforms. Michael Anderson's post went viral. It definitely raised the hopes of Trump's supporters, including the ones featured in this post: “Surprise, surprise. Every one of the 4 “legal scholars” Trump cited every day at the courthouse fell for the hoax. Very reliable sources of info on the legal system.”
If you look at Anderson's Facebook profile page, he describes himself as a “transabled” (whatever that means) and “a professional shit poster.” Notice that his profile picture has that “Account Restricted” red label due to his recent antics.
He also made this post where he describes himself as “feeling in love” along with this bizarre picture of a man who is dressed weirdly.
That should have been a clue as to how accurate Anderson's claim about his juror cousin really is. That post even reached Judge Juan Merchan, who is the presiding judge in Trump's recent trial. (He will be sentencing Trump next month.) He sent this letter to the attorney and prosecutor involved in the case to let them know about that Facebook post.
Michael Anderson finally broke down and admitted that his claim was faked. He described himself as a “professional shitposter” while providing a definition of the term “shitposter.”
What I wonder about is his claim to be a “professional shitposter.” Is someone really paying him to make posts like this? Is shitposting really a viable paying career? How much money can one earn as a professional shitposter? Can you earn a living wage as a professional shitposter? How does one get a paying job as a professional shitposter?
Even though Anderson himself admitted that his post is a hoax, some diehard Trump supporters aren't buying his claim about his own post. Here's a link to this incredibly long and unhinged post made by Laura Loomer, a self-styled “reporter” who is among Trump's most rabid supporters. (Among her comments is this gem: “MEDIA AND DEMOCRATS ARE DELIBERATELY LYING AND ACCUSING MAGA AND PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP OF FALLING FOR A ‘HOAX’ THAT HAS NOT YET BEEN CONFIRMED AS A HOAX!”)
I'll admit that Anderson's online antics aren't very funny or witty. I just get the impression that he is an incredibly bored guy with no friends or a regular job who is only making these posts to give him something to do and he only gets any kind of joy or meaning if someone reacts to his online posts. In any case, Michael Anderson managed to briefly raise the hopes of Donald Trump's most loyal supporters only to quickly dash them. (Or, in the case of Laura Loomer, is stubbornly clinging on to that hope.) Which once again proves that you can't believe everything you read online.
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