On the One-Year Anniversary of the October 7 Attack
We need to highlight the roles of Russia, Iran, and China
If you’re relatively new to the issues related to Kremlin propaganda and how it’s affecting other countries (including the United States), I recommend reading some background posts I wrote that explains things in more detail along with links to other sites where you can read more to educate yourself.
The one-year anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, which has sparked the very destructive war in Gaza, has arrived a few days ago. The hostages that Hamas are still holding have spent an entire year in captivity.
Aside from the occasional social media posts, few people are considering the possibility that those attacks are linked with the ongoing war in Ukraine. Hamas is allied with Iran. Iran is allied with Russia. On top of that October 7 is Vladimir Putin's birthday.
I knew something was fishy when pro-Kremlin propagandist Jackson Hinkle suddenly switched his posts from tweeting nonstop about his support for Russia in its invasion of Ukraine to tweeting nonstop about his support for Hamas and the Palestinian people, which continues to this day. Prior to October 7 Hinkle never mentioned the Middle East at all. There’s a reason for the sudden switch. According to his ex-fiancee and 2022 Miss Russia Anna Linnikova, Hinkle was receiving huge payments from Palestinian groups and foreign countries.
People need to wake up. What Hamas did didn't happen in a vacuum. It's all connected and orchestrated with Russia, Iran, and China. Nikki Haley is one of the few people who actually gets it and she said so in this video.
The Palestinian people are basically being used by Hamas while suffering frequent from frequent Israeli bombings. Unfortunately there are people, especially in the West, who resort to AI to illustrate fake casualties, such as this one where a traumatized Palestinian boy clutches a cat with five legs while lying in the rubble of a bombed building.
Or this one showing an old Palestinian woman being attacked by a vicious dog. (Note the “IN VISUAL ART” watermark that is circled in red on the lower left corner of the picture.)
The only problem is that sharing fake AI images ultimately harms the cause of the Palestinians who live in Gaza because people will start casting doubts on whether a certain atrocity actually happened or if it was just AI generated.
What else is harming the Palestinian cause are those in the West who claim that they are protesting on behalf of the Palestinians but who have done things like pouring red paint on statues and public buildings, protesting at museums and events dedicated to the Holocaust, and comparing the suffering of Palestinians with other marginalized groups, which has annoyed those marginalized groups. One such example is this tweet from an African American named Corey Walker which said “Comparing Palestinians to African Americans is so historically illiterate. Black people never had a chance to negotiate for our freedom. Palestinian political movements have no interest in living peacefully alongside Jews. These are very different situations.”
The only thing I can say at this point is that there needs to be some kind of a reckoning because both Hamas and Benjamin Netanyahu are both doing a tremendous disservice to the people they claim to represent with their constant fighting against each other. And, yes, if you've seen photos and videos of the frequent anti-Netanyahu protests in Israel over the past year like I have, you'd see that both Netanyahu and Hamas are both opposite sides of the same destructive coin, which ultimately pleases Vladimir Putin.
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