Lilly Gaddis: Portrait of a Tankie Vatnik
She's a self-described "tradwife" who is anti-Ukraine and insults anyone else who is not exactly like her
If you’re relatively new to the issues related to Kremlin propaganda and how it’s affecting other countries (including the United States), I recommend reading some background posts I wrote that explains things in more detail along with links to other sites where you can read more to educate yourself.
Lilly Gaddis started out as a wannabe social media influencer where she began with making videos promoting the Christian tradwife lifestyle on TikTok. With so many other women working as social media influencers promoting the Christian tradwife lifestyle, it was hard for Gaddis to stand out in the crowd. So she came up with a surefire way of getting attention. While she was filming a cooking video she started to accuse immigrants and certain women of being gold diggers. For added measure she dropped the n-word.
It didn't take long for that video to go viral. She lost her TikTok account and her day job at a home health services company. She was invited to appear on a variety of right-wing podcasts and she soon became the right’s latest darling while becoming known as The Most Hated Woman on the Internet Right Now.
While she gained attention for that video, she was only able to financially benefit from that notoriety by serving as a spokesperson for this brand of beer named Ultra Right, which is the so-called “anti-woke” beer that was created in the wake of Bud Light's controversial partnership with transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney.
She now posts exclusively on Twitter/X as a far-right tradwife where she retweets posts written by others that she agrees with, such as this pro-Christian Nationalism post.
She frequently takes demure selfies while writing right-wing political captions on issues like ending abortion with no exceptions and making “the left angry again.”
She is trying to be very hard to be as provocative, nasty, and insulting in order to stretch out her 15-minutes of fame as long as possible. She has claimed that the government is silencing/suppressing dissenting voices like so-called “alpha male” influencer Andrew Tate. First of all, if she were to read Tate's original tweet that she retweeted, it was the Romanian government that he had gotten in trouble with, not the American government.
In addition there was a reason why Romania has gone after both Andrew Tate and his brother, Tristan, and it had nothing to do with their odious misogynistic “alpha male” social media posts or their voices of dissent. They have been charged with rape and human sex trafficking, with one victim being young as 15. Rape is not an act of dissent, it is a crime that hurts and traumatizes people. Lilly Gaddis as a rape apologist definitely gets her attention, even if it actually flies in the face of that whole “trad wife” aesthetic.
What else flies in the face of that “trad wife” aesthetic is posting about the music of the notorious white power punk band Skrewdriver and calling one of their songs from 1984 “prophetic.”
In a way it's not surprising that she's into Skrewdriver's music since she has attacked anyone who isn't exactly just like her using all kinds of slurs. She went after Gus Walz, the teen neurodivergent son of the Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, by calling him a “retard” and saying that people like Gus Walz should be seen and not heard.
She called Eminem a “pussy.”
She called Snoop Dogg a “fag.”
She advocates bullying while even tweeting “Bring back bullying.”
She doesn't mind if you accuse her of hate speech because, in her words, “Hate is underrated” and “Hate speech is the best kind of speech.”
She is so tired of African Americans talking about slavery and Jews talking about the Holocaust that she has asked both groups to stop whining about their traumatic pasts.
Not surprisingly she is a major fan of Donald Trump, who is notorious for hate speech and bullying.
When just commemting on American domestic issues weren't enough to make her into a huge internet celebrity that people love to hate, she decided to up the ante by commenting on other countries. As for US foreign policy, she is trying to keep on getting attention by saying that she's not a fan of it. She has retweeted other people's anti-NATO posts like the one below, that says “To hell with NATO.”
She is definitely not a fan of the US helping its allies as she tweets “What have allies ever done for us? Except drag us into wars and rape our bank accounts.”
She is not a fan of Ukraine or its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. She has even referred to Zelenskyy by using the N word, even though Zelenskyy is actually Jewish not black.
One amusing thing is that Gaddis had actually believed that fake hoax from a few months ago when Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska had supposedly used some of the US aid to Ukraine to buy a rare Bugatti Tourbillon sports car for herself. Gaddis came across this scan of the invoice (which is fake) for that car that Olena Zelenska supposedly purchased (but really didn't) that was supposedly tweeted by President Zelenskyy while he added the message “Had to spoil the wifey. Slava Ukraini!” Gaddis retweeted that tweet while adding “On my fucking dime!”
The main thing is that wasn’t a real message from President Zelenskyy that Gaddis retweeted. This particular tweet came from this parody account. Note the word “joke” in parenthesis next to the name and the word “Parody” next to the brief bio.
She seems to be more into Vladimir Putin and Russia. She retweeted someone else's post that was pretty sympathetic to Putin.
She is sympathetic with Russia's anti-LGBTQ laws, which has added that community to a list of terrorist extremists entities and have banned them from adopting children.
She also retweeted this press release from the Russian news agency TASS announcing a new program that would admit Westerner immigrants into Russia who are trying to escape Western liberal ideals while she asked “Why do you think Russia is doing this? Altruism or something else?”
Judging from her tweets she comes across as being so hateful towards others that I can imagine that she's a total killjoy in real life. How else can you describe two consecutive tweets where she followed “White pride world wide” with “Poetry is annoying.”
I guess no one should ever take her to any kind of arts event unless it glorifies Russia, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Christian Nationalism, and white supremacy.
Going through her tweets it's hard to discern how much of the crap she spews she really believes in or if she's simply acting outrageous just for the attention and the clout. One thing is for sure, if her career as a right-wing racist Christian Nationalist tradwife influencer ends up going nowhere as more people ignore her hateful posts, she could always take Russia up on its offer to assist any Westerners who want to move to Russia to get away from woke culture and start all over again in a new country.
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